Download Now: Windows Error Repair Tool

**SmartPCFixer will repair Windows Error and registry data errors on your PC

File extension Details of TLI, TXT, BXB, VB, VC2, VC6, VCE, VD, VIC

File Type:Typelib generated C/C++ inline file
Category:Source code and script file
File Description:File extension is used by Microsoft Visual Studio.
Open Programs:

Microsoft Visual Studio

Company / developer:
  Microsoft Corporation

New tools tailored to help you take on your software development challenges.

Visual Studio provides a range of tools that offer many benefits for individual developers and software development teams:

  • Be more productive and obtain faster results
  • Build dynamic Windows, Web, mobile, and Office-based solutions
  • Communicate and collaborate more effectively within your software teams
  • Ensure quality early and often throughout the development process
File Type:Microsoft Linker input file
Category:Source code and script file
File Description:LINK expects various text files as additional input. The command-file specifier (@) and the Base Address (/BASE), /DEF, and /ORDER options all specify text files. These files can have any extension, not just .txt.
Open Programs:

Microsoft Visual Studio

Company / developer:
  Microsoft Corporation

New tools tailored to help you take on your software development challenges.

Visual Studio provides a range of tools that offer many benefits for individual developers and software development teams:

  • Be more productive and obtain faster results
  • Build dynamic Windows, Web, mobile, and Office-based solutions
  • Communicate and collaborate more effectively within your software teams
  • Ensure quality early and often throughout the development process
File Type:BasicX compiled project bytecode
Category:Source code and script file
File Description:You program in an easy to use BASIC language which compiles and downloads into the target system. BasicX allows you to focus on the control system, and the tough stuff is done for you. BasicX is perfect for industrial control, home automation, robotics, point of sale, automated test equipment and on and on.
Open Programs:

BasicX Programming Environment

Company / developer:
  NetMedia, Inc.

File Type:Visual Basic script file
Category:Source code and script file
File Description:VBScript (short for Visual Basic Scripting Edition) is an Active Scripting language developed by Microsoft. The language's syntax reflects its history as a limited variation of Microsoft's Visual Basic programming language. Major implementations in Windows Script Host and Active Server Pages.

This script file could be infected by virus or trojan horse. Use anti-virus such as BitDefender.
Open Programs:

Adobe Dreamweaver

Company / developer:
  Adobe Systems Incorporated

Adobe Dreamweaver

Design, develop, and maintain standards-based websites and applications

Build world-class websites and applications with one of the industry's leading web authoring tools. Adobe® Dreamweaver® software is ideal for web designers, web developers, and visual designers.

Did you know…

New features preview and test web content twice as fast

Using Live View is nearly twice as fast as previewing rendered pages in a browser. Using Live Code, you see the results of coding changes in Live View more than twice as fast as you would switching to a browser. Additionally, you can click a related file to see both its source in Code view and the parent page in Design view.

Online training eases switching

Migrating from Adobe GoLive® software to Dreamweaver? This training video from offers tips on performing common GoLive tasks in Dreamweaver.

Editing web pages is quick and easy

Design your pages in Dreamweaver so end users can edit their web pages without help from you or additional software using the InContext Editing online service. As a Dreamweaver designer, you can limit changes to specific regions on the page.

Education discounts are available

As a student or educator, you qualify for education pricing. See the full list of products available for purchase.

File Type:Microsoft Visual C file
Category:Source code and script file
File Description:File extension is used in earlies versions of Microsoft Visual C.
Open Programs:

Visual C++

Company / developer:
  Microsoft Corporation

Visual C++

Visual C++ provides a powerful and flexible development environment for creating Microsoft Windows–based and Microsoft .NET–based applications. It also enables developers to build Web applications, smart-client Windows-based applications, and solutions for thin-client and smart-client mobile devices.

File Type:MS Visual C make file
Category:Source code and script file
File Description:File created and used by Microsoft Visual C.
Open Programs:

Visual C++

Company / developer:
  Microsoft Corporation

Visual C++

Visual C++ provides a powerful and flexible development environment for creating Microsoft Windows–based and Microsoft .NET–based applications. It also enables developers to build Web applications, smart-client Windows-based applications, and solutions for thin-client and smart-client mobile devices.

File Type:Visual CE class type file
Category:Source code and script file
File Description:File extension is used by Visual CE.
Open Programs:

Visual CE

Company / developer:
  SYWARE, Inc.

Improve the way you gather, integrate, organize, and share information. Visual CE mobile database software is sophisticated enough for developers and easy enough for new users.

Use Visual CE, the award winning, "Go Anywhere" database, to build custom mobile database applications for any Windows Mobile, Pocket PC, Smartphone, or Windows CE device (touchscreen or non-touchscreen) quickly and easily. Eliminate paperwork and improve data accuracy, even centralize data. Simply decide what information you'll need, then drag and drop controls to create your custom electronic form, no programming required. After your data is collected, synchronize your device with your desktop PC or corporate server. Share data with popular ODBC-enabled software like Microsoft Access, SQL Server, Sybase, Oracle, or Visual Basic.

File Type:PwrDev visual designer project
Category:Source code and script file
File Description:File extension is used by PwrDev. Visual designer project file.
Open Programs:


Company / developer:

PwrDev is a form designer for the PowerBASIC compilers.

Several application types can be created like DDT form based, SDK forms like Multiple Document Interface (MDI) applications for example and of course form-less applications. Write full-blown applications with PB/WIN and PB/CC today!

All coding is done in the PwrDev IDE itself, internal as external modules can be used.

Each form has it's own window procedure, controls have real event procedures.

File Type:ViziGen source code file
Category:Source code and script file
File Description:A vic file contains import mappings that controls the importation of modelling information into ViziGen from a UML modelling tool.
Open Programs:


Company / developer:
  ViziGen Ltd

ViziGen is a software development tool for generating source code files for any programming or scripting language.


  • is intended to be a tool for professional software developers.
  • can help where the production of source code from the model of a system is a mechanical process (for example data access layers, SQL scripts, and even forms for presentation layers in the right development environment).
  • is a regular Windows application that runs under Windows 2000, XP, or Vista. However the Microsoft.NET Framework 2.0 is required (freely available from Microsoft's web site or included with Vista).
File Type:DataFlex business process object
Category:Source code and script file
File Description:A BPO (business process object) is a synonym for a BP file.
Open Programs:


Company / developer:
  The Database Managers, Inc.


is a relational, 4GL Object Oriented database programming language.
DataFlex is able to run programs, without being recompiled, across Windows and Unix platforms.
One of DataFlex's strongest features back then (and now) was its ability to be ported to just about any operating system.

Download Now: Windows Error Repair Tool

**SmartPCFixer will repair Windows Error and registry data errors on your PC